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Complete Footcare Clinic


Custom Orthotics are prescribed biomechanical medical footwear insoles made to treat or adjust various biomechanical disorders and painful conditions in the feet and body.

Each patient assessment is thorough as orthotics are prescribed to each patients needs a full biomechanical physical and gait examination of the feet, lower limbs and back.

Biomechanics is the science of assessing the effects of mechanical forces in the feet and body while standing walking and running, when a patient’s biomechanics are improved the body functions more efficiently and without pains.

Poor foot function contributes to poor biomechanics and causes many pains in our feet and the rest of our body.

At Complete Footcare Clinic, we bring 22yrs of expertise and experience to prescribe a top quality custom orthotic to meet your needs and requirements.

Biomechanical Problems

The feet often suffer from increase in pressure on foot structures and the surrounding soft tissues, creating localised pain in the foot and ankle, as well as problems in the lower limbs, knees, hips and back. Correction of poor foot biomechanics can improve and prevent many types of symptoms, such as:

Forefoot Pain (Metatarsalgia)

Heel Pain (Plantar Fasciitis/Policeman’s Heel)

Heel Spur

Sever’s Disease (Paediatric Heel Pain)

Ankle Pain (Tibalis Dysfunction, Lateral Impingement Syndrome)

Shin Pain (Compartmental Syndrome, Shin Splints)

Knee Pain (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, Patella Tibial Syndrome)

Bunions / Hammer Toe / High Arch

Metatarsalgia / Mortons Neuroma

Diabetic Foot / Flat Foot / Callus

Neuroma / Corns / Arthritis

Children’s Flat Foot

Children’s Intoed And Outoed Gain

Sciatica / Polymyalgia / Fibromyalgia

Structural Leg Limb Discrepancy

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Knee Pain / Hip Pain / Back Pain

The Solution

The aim of a foot orthosis is to correct dysfunctional biomechanics and therefore:

Reduce Pain

Provide Support

Prevent Or Halt The Development Of Foot Deformity

Provide Better Positioning

Relieve Pressure On A Certain Area Of The Foot

Improve The Overall Biomechanical Function Of The Foot

Improve Pelvic Alignment

Reduce Lower Limb Torsion And Knee Stress

This allows joints to be aligned correctly and promotes efficient transmission of biomechanical forces

At Complete Footcare Clinic, we believe in a holistic approach to any biomechanical problem. We understand that the underlying problem may not always be located around the area of the body where symptoms develop. In some cases, the problem may lie in a number of areas, such as poor posture, pelvic malalignment, leg length discrepancies, tight or poorly-toned muscles. We can use foot orthotics to improve posture and accommodate for any limb length discrepancy; they can be designed to fit in many types and styles of slim fitting shoes. However, if your specific foot problem makes footwear fitting difficult, we can advise upon the different types of footwear that are available and even make footwear to your individual requirements.

Custom Arch Supports vs Custom Orthotics

Custom arch supports are arch supports that provide support and cushioning to the heels, toes and the entire foot. They are usually made of foam or gel material. They have no medical or biomechanical benefit and are usually prescribed by non-medical staff.

Custom orthotics are completely different; they are medical devices that correct biomechanical and foot issues, such as problems with how you walk, stand and run. It is vitally important if you have any foot or biomechanical issue to attend a qualified medical practitioner trained in the prescription of custom orthotics.

Sports Orthotics

Sports injuries can occur due to a traumatic incident or overuse of a specific body part. A sports injury requires rehabilitation to allow a person to get back to full health and return to their choice of sport. Sports orthotics will provide an important part of this rehab process, particularly in lower limb injury.

In general, if there is a biomechanical dysfunction or gait abnormality present, such as excessive pronation (rolling in) of the feet, or weakness in a specific muscle group causing the foot to contact the ground in an abnormal way, this can cause excessive stresses or strains to the lower limb, making them more susceptible to injury. Sports orthotics are prescribed to allow more normal movement and restore normal biomechanical function. They can also be used directly to offload pain and promote healing in certain lower limb injuries.

Our clinician has vast experience with all levels of sports injuries, from joggers in the park to elite athletes. If you feel this treatment may be appropriate for you, a biomechanical assessment can determine whether you would benefit from sports orthotics. If appropriate, our clinician will design a prescription for you and manufacture the orthotics to suit your individual requirements.

Traumatic Injuries Treated

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  • Knee Ligament Rupture or Sprains
    These can be caused by a direct blow to your knee, knocking into something with your knee or your knee may be moved outside of its usual range of motion during a fall, for instance, if you land awkwardly during sport, or after a sudden movement. Sports orthotics can help support the knee while it heals.
  • Achilles Tendon Rupture
    A sudden or severe pain at the back of the heel can indicate an Achilles tendonitis or, worse, a rupture. This is a very common sports injury and often occurs when there is sudden movement, for example, during running, basketball, football and dancing. If the Achilles tendon is under stress, due to poor foot mechanics, then a sports orthotic to correct these will reduce the everyday stresses on the tendon.
  • Ankle Inversion Injury
    This is where the ankle twists inwards and the foot rolls over the ankle. It is a common injury that can happen as a result of a tackle in a contact sport, or, perhaps, a trip or fall during running. There may be an underlying weakness of the peroneal muscle group causing this injury. Once the soft tissue damage has settled, a sports orthotic can be used to reduce the tendency for the foot to roll over the ankle.
  • Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (Shin Splints)
    This is a pain or tenderness along the inside of the lower limb, but can also be felt centrally along the shin, or even outside. This is an overuse injury of the lower limb affecting the connective muscle tissue below the knee. Over pronation and/or tightness of the calf muscles can cause muscle fatigue and affect the shock absorbing capabilities of the foot and ankle during running. Sports orthotics are used in cases of shin splints to reduce muscle strain cause by poor foot mechanics.
  • Muscular Strains (Piriformis, Hamstrings, Calf)
    These overuse injuries can be as a result of a biomechanical abnormality. Sports orthotics will help to normalise any abnormalities in posture and gait and reduce the predisposition to such injuries.
  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
    Patellofemoral pain syndrome, more commonly known as runners’ knee pain, is located around the knee cap (patella). This irritation under the knee cap is often due to a biomechanical abnormality, such as weakness of the hamstrings. This is common in running and is prevalent in people with gait abnormalities, such as over-pronation. Sports orthotics are used to reduce excessive pronatory forces and normalise running gait.
  • Plantar Fasciitis
    This is a very painful condition affecting the heel or the soft tissues along the sole of the foot. This can be due to overuse and is often seen in our clinic when a person increases their exercise intensity, for example, someone in marathon training. High arched feet and excessive pronation are causative factors. Sports orthotics can treat the underlying cause and improve the discomfort caused by plantar fasciitis.
  • Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITB)
    This is the ligament that runs down the outside of the thigh and can become tight or inflamed. This is a very common overuse injury that results in paint at the outside of the knee. This is common in women, because of the natural alignment of their hips. It occurs when the knee turns inward repeatedly and is, therefore, more likely to occur in people whose feet over pronate or roll in. Sports orthotics can be used to reduce the amount of pronation that occurs and improve the position of the ground reaction forces working through knee and hip, reducing stress on ITB.
  • How does the Lunula Laser Treatment work?
    Lunar laser is the only multifaceted approach to fungal nail infections. Unlike some of the other onychomycosis treatment options like oral medications and creams. Lunula laser painlessly penetrates the nail at the site of the infection, delivering an effective fungal nail treatment that doesn’t produce any side effects.
  • How is the Lunula Laser Treatment administered?
    This fungal nail treatment is a non-invasive and completely painless treatment. We’ll ask you to remove your shoes and socks, and may ask you to clean your foot if debris is present. We will then ask you to place your foot into the small compact Lunula laser machine. To ensure the effectiveness of the treatment we’ll adjust your foot before activating the machine. The patient keeps their foot in the machine for 12 minutes. Once the 12-minute timer elapses, the patient can put their shoes and socks back on as the treatment session is complete. Generally speaking, about four, 12-minute sessions will be required and results will be visible within three months.

Overuse Injuries Treated

  • Why do FAQs matter?
    FAQs are a great way to help site visitors find quick answers to common questions about your business and create a better navigation experience.
  • What is an FAQ section?
    An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about your business like "Where do you ship to?", "What are your opening hours?", or "How can I book a service?".
  • Where can I add my FAQs?
    FAQs can be added to any page on your site or to your Wix mobile app, giving access to members on the go.
  • How do I add a new question & answer?
    To add a new FAQ follow these steps: 1. Manage FAQs from your site dashboard or in the Editor 2. Add a new question & answer 3. Assign your FAQ to a category 4. Save and publish. You can always come back and edit your FAQs.
  • How do I edit or remove the 'Frequently Asked Questions' title?
    You can edit the title from the FAQ 'Settings' tab in the Editor. To remove the title from your mobile app go to the 'Site & App' tab in your Owner's app and customize.
  • Can I insert an image, video, or GIF in my FAQ?
    Yes. To add media follow these steps: 1. Manage FAQs from your site dashboard or in the Editor 2. Create a new FAQ or edit an existing one 3. From the answer text box click on the video, image or GIF icon 4. Add media from your library and save.
  • Knee Ligament Rupture or Sprains
    These can be caused by a direct blow to your knee, knocking into something with your knee or your knee may be moved outside of its usual range of motion during a fall, for instance, if you land awkwardly during sport, or after a sudden movement. Sports orthotics can help support the knee while it heals.
  • Achilles Tendon Rupture
    A sudden or severe pain at the back of the heel can indicate an Achilles tendonitis or, worse, a rupture. This is a very common sports injury and often occurs when there is sudden movement, for example, during running, basketball, football and dancing. If the Achilles tendon is under stress, due to poor foot mechanics, then a sports orthotic to correct these will reduce the everyday stresses on the tendon.
  • Ankle Inversion Injury
    This is where the ankle twists inwards and the foot rolls over the ankle. It is a common injury that can happen as a result of a tackle in a contact sport, or, perhaps, a trip or fall during running. There may be an underlying weakness of the peroneal muscle group causing this injury. Once the soft tissue damage has settled, a sports orthotic can be used to reduce the tendency for the foot to roll over the ankle.
  • Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (Shin Splints)
    This is a pain or tenderness along the inside of the lower limb, but can also be felt centrally along the shin, or even outside. This is an overuse injury of the lower limb affecting the connective muscle tissue below the knee. Over pronation and/or tightness of the calf muscles can cause muscle fatigue and affect the shock absorbing capabilities of the foot and ankle during running. Sports orthotics are used in cases of shin splints to reduce muscle strain cause by poor foot mechanics.
  • Muscular Strains (Piriformis, Hamstrings, Calf)
    These overuse injuries can be as a result of a biomechanical abnormality. Sports orthotics will help to normalise any abnormalities in posture and gait and reduce the predisposition to such injuries.
  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
    Patellofemoral pain syndrome, more commonly known as runners’ knee pain, is located around the knee cap (patella). This irritation under the knee cap is often due to a biomechanical abnormality, such as weakness of the hamstrings. This is common in running and is prevalent in people with gait abnormalities, such as over-pronation. Sports orthotics are used to reduce excessive pronatory forces and normalise running gait.
  • Plantar Fasciitis
    This is a very painful condition affecting the heel or the soft tissues along the sole of the foot. This can be due to overuse and is often seen in our clinic when a person increases their exercise intensity, for example, someone in marathon training. High arched feet and excessive pronation are causative factors. Sports orthotics can treat the underlying cause and improve the discomfort caused by plantar fasciitis.
  • Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITB)
    This is the ligament that runs down the outside of the thigh and can become tight or inflamed. This is a very common overuse injury that results in paint at the outside of the knee. This is common in women, because of the natural alignment of their hips. It occurs when the knee turns inward repeatedly and is, therefore, more likely to occur in people whose feet over pronate or roll in. Sports orthotics can be used to reduce the amount of pronation that occurs and improve the position of the ground reaction forces working through knee and hip, reducing stress on ITB.
  • How does the Lunula Laser Treatment work?
    Lunar laser is the only multifaceted approach to fungal nail infections. Unlike some of the other onychomycosis treatment options like oral medications and creams. Lunula laser painlessly penetrates the nail at the site of the infection, delivering an effective fungal nail treatment that doesn’t produce any side effects.
  • How is the Lunula Laser Treatment administered?
    This fungal nail treatment is a non-invasive and completely painless treatment. We’ll ask you to remove your shoes and socks, and may ask you to clean your foot if debris is present. We will then ask you to place your foot into the small compact Lunula laser machine. To ensure the effectiveness of the treatment we’ll adjust your foot before activating the machine. The patient keeps their foot in the machine for 12 minutes. Once the 12-minute timer elapses, the patient can put their shoes and socks back on as the treatment session is complete. Generally speaking, about four, 12-minute sessions will be required and results will be visible within three months.
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